Christmas shoppers looking for deals this year

Google has used its Insights for Search tool to provide data about shoppers searching behaviour when it comes to things like discounts, free shipping for the holidays, coupons, and promotional codes.

Not surprisingly, there is an upturn in searches for all of these items, indicating that this is the kind of thing that consumers are after for their Christmas holiday shopping online. This information is a great indication that e-commerce businesses should be providing these things if at all possible. Without well thought out deals, online businesses stand to lose out on sales to the competition that are offering them.

According to Google, 87% of consumers plan to take advantage of price discounts or sales this holiday season and 73% plan to take advantage of free shipping.

Make sure you highlight these "deals" on your pages, Brickweb users should utilise our great discount and promotional code modules in their control centres.

Searches for coupons have been growing this year, even more so than last year when the recession was at its worst level. According to Google, 68% of consumers report that they plan on taking advantage of coupons this season. The same goes for promotional codes, which has increased (as a query) by as much as 55% year-over-year. So when you do create your promotions make sure you shout about them on the many discount and voucher websites.

We covered this in our September workshops, don't forget to attend our monthly workshops and training seminars which are free to all Brick clients. The Christmas shopping surge starts today, keep on top of your website content, advertise your promotions and have a great holiday season!

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